Change Email Delivery Settings

Emails sent out to can be delivered to your email account in 4 different ways:

    • No Email: choose this option if you don't want any email delivered to you inbox, and would like to read all emails at your convenient time from the archived area on the web.

    • Abridged Email (once per day or every 100 messages): choose this option if you want to get just a summary of all emails for each day.

    • Digest Email: choose this option to get up to 25 full new messages bundled into a single email.

    • Email: choose this option if you want to get email immediately as it is sent.

By default when you join our Troop 365 Google Group, your email delivery setting is set to "Email".

If you would like to change your current email delivery setting, please follow the directions below:

1) Sign in to you Google account as you normally do by going to or click on "Signin" at the bottom of our

2) On the top panel, click on "More", and then "Groups"

3) Click on "bsatroop365roundrock"

4) Click on "Edit my membership" on the right panel

5) Select the email delivery option that you wish

6) Click on "Save these settings"

Please note that this email delivery setting applies only for emails sent to, and has no effect on all other emails sent to other email

For emails sent to other email, they will always be delivered immediately as they are sent out.